jueves, 25 de junio de 2015

ZKC 410 "I´ll give you this money and..."

Ways to convince a JK (HS) xD
And here is is, this chapter was very dark, really, really dark i´m really starting to believe that this manga will become a BL manga xD

I´ll not spoil you anything just read and well hope you don´t fall in the darkness hehe

2 comentarios:

  1. so sick of these evil espers...do they all have that damn hypno move, id like to have a bad guy with cool powers not have their friends attacking eachother every arc :(

  2. Thanks for the nice work ~
    that's why patty is the best girl <3
    hey, did you see the raws on tumblr of the new zettai karen children manga?!
