viernes, 4 de julio de 2014

ZKC 371 Return From Phantom (2)

Hello everyone this is the second entry of the blog!!
And for bring to you this chapter enjoy it, i got the help from Kat a very nice person that help me with almost all the chapter and with better raws, and the proofread :)
If you can thank her too in his tumblr

And by the moment that´s all i have one surprise for you next time :)

6 comentarios:

  1. Thanks, Hao-chan! ♥

  2. thanks for your release :v

    i will wait the next one.

    1. You´re welcome and i hope that you don´t have to wait much for that :D

  3. Excelente :D
    Por un momento llegue a pensar que algo malo le paso a la serie pues no salían capítulos nuevos por mucho tiempo, y ahora hay dos nuevos :D
    Gracias Hao-kun
    And Thank Kat-chan

    1. Al contrario amigo gracias por leer y estate al pendiente que lo bueno esta por comenzar :D
