This time the release cover the end of this arc Return From Phantom i hope you enjoy it ^^
One thing about this chapters it´s that i only did some corrections in the translation but practilly all of this chapter were made previously by Kat and i asked her permission to use her version and we ended helping each other to release the chapter more fast, so as you can see in the credits page i only did a little of proofread and a little of corrections so please thank Kat too by this chapters in his blog:
And with that we will keep working in order to do the remaining chapter so wait for them soon :)
And... enjoy this two chapters :D
And also previously with the help from other collaborator "Philips" we do the remake of the first chapter with a better translation so if you want to read it i left it here too :D
Thank you very much, guys!! :)
ResponderEliminarthanks bro, it fast.
ResponderEliminarHey, thanks for the work on these chapters! I'd like to ask though if Ocha-san's or any other pixiv artists' art not be used unless given permission? I know of an artist on tumblr who had their art used for scanlations without permission before and was not happy about it, so I doubt Japanese artists would too.
ResponderEliminarI don´t think if i understand you well but if you talk about the pages i used for the credits page and notes page you have all the reason and really if one of them tell me that they not want i use his art please tell me at my mail.
EliminarAnd if you are talking about the manga and being the author, well there´s too the thing that all scanlations sites only do it for fans like you and me and without any means of profit and for free we´re not breaking the law at all and more than anything if they tell us directly to no do so i think i even could burn the blog and erase all the links.
If i understand you correctly...
Hola!! Antes que nada aprovecho a darte las gracias por trabajar en estos capítulos, me alegró mucho que alguien pusiera manos a la obra y tradujera los capítulos que faltaban! Se agradece mucho.
EliminarSegún entiendo a lo que ella se está refiriendo es a utilizar fanarts en las páginas de créditos, creo que sería mejor si usaras arte oficial para ello. Sin ninguna mala intención en la sugerencia por parte de ella ni mía ;v;
Espero que andes muy bien, saludos y gracias de nuevo.
Si tambien eso le habia entendido, pero como en las paginas de créditos solo he puesto un fanart pues me saco un poco de onda que inclusive tu puedes ver en las paginas de notas de la V1 del capitulo 370 pero solo ese... entonces crei que tambien se pudo haber referido a la cuestion de copyright.
EliminarPero no hay ningun problema y pues si tiene razon para la otra voy a investigar y mejor ponerle los credito de a quien se la robo para evitar problemas xD
Y no al contrario gracias por tu comentario y por leer ^^
Thanks for the VERY fast releases, you're putting all other scanlators to shame XD. I'm so happy you picked this up as soon as I caught up to the ending, as no one has scanned it for over half a year.