domingo, 27 de julio de 2014

A little bonus: Zettai Karen Children Character Song ~UNLIMITED~

Hello everyone, here has been a little of inactivy, so i thought in translate something and i came with this, this is a collection of Character songs from the "Karen Guys" xD but well that´s not the important thing, the important is between the songs there´s a little dramas that tells a part of the history of final arc i have to tell i really like it. So i translate it for you to hear it and make you think a little when the manga restart (This is just what happens at the end or will be part of that blank future...?) You decide :D
NOTE: I didn´t translate the songs... i know but that´s because i´m a little lazy and as i said before that´s not the important... but i highly recommend to hear it too they´re awesome :)

I leave you the links to download the audio files and of course my translation. Note that this time again i didn´t have the thing proofreaded not because a couldn´t get the help or want to be mediocre it´s just because i really want to get better in english and the best method is working in it and of course have your feedback :)
(I really want that one day all you say "The translation was understable and good" )
Also, one last thing, sometimes in this kind of releases i see that some people edits a video with the audio and the translation with subtitles and get uploaded to youtube, to be honest i will not do it but if some of you want to do it feel free to use the my translation for that :D (of course with the respective credits...) and share the links with me to add them here :)

And with that here´s the links enjoy it please note that there´s too a spanish version of the translation:

Ademas un pequeño mensaje para mis lectores en español come verán aquí también añadí un traducción en español del CD Drama ¿Esto con que fin? Sencillamente para iniciar algo nuevo, estoy pensando en a partir de ahora a partir de que se re-inicie el manga original hacer los releases en español y en ingles asi como algun otro proyecto que se lleve por aquí, aunque también me agradaría la idea de que si hay algún fansub interesado les puedo pasar el script que haga en ingles para que lo traduzcan y solo referirlos de aqui. Pero por supuesto para esto me gustaría su opinión de si valdria la pena o no pero para eso quedo a sus ordenes en los comentarios o en mi correo. ¡¡Un saludos a todos!!

4 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. what do you think about this( Hao?

    1. Well, i think that there will be certain difficulty to get raws not only in these mangas but i sincerely don´t think that piracy stops, and i think that pages like batoto or mangahere doesn´t will be affected, more because in a certain sense they do it without proficy means. And the pages that they will do that to pages that get a profit selling illegally the files. Besides... we´re always have torrents :)

    2. thanks for answer, hope you still can work it.
