martes, 9 de febrero de 2016

ZKC 432 "From the Shadow (3)" + My Status D:

Hello everyone!
Sorry for all this time in hiatus, well, to be sincere this chapter was ready since saturday but i couldn´t upload it until today xd
This was because since friday i was bedrideen in cause i contracted "dengue" a desease that leaves you in a bad state so i couldn´t even do this -.-
I getting better but i still have to rest so past week and this week chapter i´ll work in them until this thursday because i can rest from work that day...

And well just that sorry for the delay but i hope you can enjoy the chapter and if you hadn´t read the new raws the thriller too ;)

3 comentarios:

  1. Get well m8 (i have no idea what that disease is xD) thank you for the chapter

  2. I hope you get well soon, I know how dengue is, I had it 2 times T_T
    But thanks for the chapter!

  3. Thank you both!! And yeah at least i´m resting in my home :)
