lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

ZKC VOL. 40 Omake!!

Hello everyone a special surprise for all of you there!! 
Here you have, thanks to Yuri (A great person) we got the raws for the omakes and covers of ZKC Vol. 40 and we´ve already translated for you to have fun :)
I hope you can enjoy it :D
A little spoiler about it. Do you remember her? :)

5 comentarios:

  1. Thank you!

    But can anyone tell me which chapters are part of each volumes since volume 36? I have all the omakes but do not have the info to assemble them...

    1. Sorry for not answer you before, but soon i will make a full list so wait me a bit :)

  2. Geez, Kaoru is awesome XD

    Thank you very much for this omake! It's really fun XD I hope Matsukaze will not replace Minamoto...
