sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016

ZKC 435 "Sleeping Beauty is Back"

Hello everyone!!
Well here it is, hopefully you like it :)
I was thinking that this is the first time that we see Tsubomi since the high school arc started (i almost forgot her name xD)

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016

ZKC 434 "The war is about start..."

Well finally got this one done and why to wait??
Maybe if everything goes well we publish 435 and 436 in pack ;)

And well enjoy it i´ll not spoiler you anything but this is really darker chapter just see the image above ;)

(Status Update) ZKC 434 + 435 + 436 D:!!!

Kaoru is not happy with me :(
Hello everyone!! Sorry for not say anything recently as you can see we´re delayed with three chapters D: this is because some lack and lazy from my part and one mistake that i did at not include in Sinlinara in the translation of chapter 434 xd

But don´t desperate i´ll promise to finish the translation of chapters 435 & 436 today to have them ready soon (hopefully before this next wednesday)  and i´ll be updating this entry to tell how advanced are each chapter so be tuned up ;)

I really apreciate your patience and support ^^

And one final question as you can see three chapters are in the line 434, 435, 436 what do you prefer wait for have three ready or publish them all together??

434: READY
435: READY
436: Translation: Ready Proofread: Not Ready Cleaning:  Ready Typesetting: Not Ready