jueves, 25 de junio de 2015

ZKC 410 "I´ll give you this money and..."

Ways to convince a JK (HS) xD
And here is is, this chapter was very dark, really, really dark i´m really starting to believe that this manga will become a BL manga xD

I´ll not spoil you anything just read and well hope you don´t fall in the darkness hehe

jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

ZKC 409 "In the school again..."

After the vacation in the desert island the crew is back to school but what await for them there...?

Read it now and find about!!

And also leave your opinions here or in batoto comment box ;)

viernes, 12 de junio de 2015

(ZKC 409 UPDATE) This week there´s not chapter.

Hello this post is just to remember you that this week there isn´t no chapter :/

Also i know that this is an old new but looks like this month a new manga spin off will be created.
You can read the details here:


And i want to announce that if we get the raws we´ll be doing it also ^.^

Just that for the moment, see ya next time :)

jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

ZKC 408 "Shines..."

I don´t know why but this scene was the one which made me laught more xD

And well with this "Lost" arc ends i wonder how will be the next, somehow i can guess the next will have a time slip at least of a month, but i´m just saying, but surely i hope for more minaxkaoru u.u

Just that hope you like it and as always thank Kat and Sinlinara for her amazing work and if you can comment here or in batoto ;)