viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016

ZKC 454 "Outlaws (9) BATTLE STARTS!!" + ZKC 455 - 456 UPDATE

Hello eveyone!!
Sorry for being dissapeared for so long (Stupid real life xd)
Here we go again we´re being delayed for chapter 455 and 456 (entirely by my fault sorry) but hopefully those will be ready soon :)

And what to say, this arc is becoming more and more interesting now the battle that changed everything is starting who will be victorious? Will Hyoubu maintain his advantage? just wait and see xD

Just remembering everyone, most of the updates are made in our FB page so if you want to stay tuned and see awesome pictures, coloring, news, etc. GO HERE

Or even you can keep up with us in our Twitter!! GO HERE

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