viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015

ZKC 399 "Almost one... to 400"

Hello everyone!! Sorry for the delay this week but all the team were having technical problems and that make it difficult have the chapter as usual. But well it´s finally here and what to say i think it was kind of expected but the humor throught the chapter make it interesting xD

And well, as you can notice next week ZKC will reach his 400th chapter but as you may know the magazine will not even give color pages to that chapter :/
This will mean nothing but i think that we must do something to celebrate it don´t? what i going to do is to release something that i´m being preparing for some weeks ago but i don´t think that´s sufficient so if you are an artist or want to create something (a image, an art, a youtube amv, a poem o.o, etc) to commemorate the 400th chapters you can do it and i´ll add it to the next chapter :)

Just that , hope that you could do it and enjoy the chapter :D

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