miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

(Status inform) ZKC 382 "We don´t have japanese raws :("

The most drammatic spoiler in all the manga
Thanks to a very nice reader we got the raws (but in chinese) so for the moment is the only thing that we have, i read in Kat´s blog that maybe this friday in her back up page the raws maybe will be publicated but nothing for sure, or maybe if BSPikey get the raws we´ll have them soon but it´s just time to wait...

Or... if you know Chinese and you want to be a honour translator from Zettai Translation Project for this chapter don´t doubt in contact me at haolen_asakura@hotmail.com ;)

P.D. If you want to see the raw provided by Anonym X you can read it here http://zm.5652.com/mh/cover/6157 

For the moment just that in kept you informed about what happened :)

1 comentario:

  1. So The Children have birdman as the enemy... with power of falling shit (it's just my imagination)
